Friday, 6 July 2012

Weeks 2 & 3, B & C...

Balm of Gilead
This is one of my favorite ingredients in incense.  I blend this with copal and rose buds in a love incense. For protection mix with dragon’s blood and cedar for incense or simply carry a few buds with you.




Once upon a time I used to work in occult stores one of my favorites was Enchantments Inc. in NYC. I liked working here as the day began with a ritual sweeping and smudging of the store before we opened. The sweeping was done with a dedicated broom that was kept by the hearth in the back of the store, as I recall, someone always swept from the back to the front of the store and out of the door they were always followed by a second person with a smudge stick smoking. While things sure could get crazy over there it was always good to know you were starting with a clean slate every morning.



Where, oh where would we be without our familiars? Mine tend to be cats, but I am open to others showing up. My current spiritual adviser is a lilac point Siamese by the name of Purps. She loves to join me for my morning meditation and encourage me to spend a little longer sitting while she purrs in my lap.



Cancer is the cardinal water sign and announces the beginning of summer. Water signs tend to have a heightened emotional quality that they bring to relationships. I have several good friends who are Cancers whose company I enjoy and cultivate.

The Chariot


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Cat my goodness you have been busy girl !
This was so interesting ! I really enjoyed reading it and the pictures (baby bats all tucked in cuddle blankets .. just too cute !)
I read older posts and see that your garden is doing so well .. this heat block so many of us are in can really drag us down .. I fuss over my garden and actually think of Autumn already .. hey, after all it is my favorite time of year .. can't help myself !
I am so curious to know more about your trip girl ! .. I have to remember to get back here to read about it .. give me a nudge when you post please ?
Take care !
Joy : )

Cat said...

Joy, yes indeed you have my sympathy for the heat. It was so different from our heat (which is dry) the East Coast humidity is so strange to me now. I used to think nothing of it back when I lived there.

I figured that it was time to share more of my life here than not. While my garden is interesting there is more to me than just that.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Cat girl hello again !!
It has been ages ! .. I always loved this post of yours .. always made me think of Halloween which is ALWAYS a happy thing for me : )
This garden year for us was a disaster .. so hot and we truly had a wicked drought.
Now it is cooler .. we have had intermittent rain .. in fact today it is raining so that makes me VERY happy.
I wanted to know if you knew of an incense that is very lightly scented .. I want to have something on hand when I finally get my garden office and start my yoga again .. BTW ... I am a Libra .. the 3rd of October .. the number 3 always holds my interest : )
Hope you are feeling well girl ?