Tuesday 28 February 2012

It's blooming wonderful around here...

Spring is in the air whether it's the right time or not. 
These two jolly chaps are just kicking off their cycle, these blooms will last at least 
a month once the hit full bloom which may take a couple of more weeks.

Then their are my treasures, the blooms I am willing to fight for...

I love freesias!

There is something very innocent about them.

And then there are the jasmine that is exploding in my yard.

And on to the fruiting bits, our pomegranate is nearly there...

It is jus getting ready to burst forth, can you see it's bloom starting to peek?

Our plum graft has gotten started...

And our apple looks delightful...

Our peach is fading now, but this is a couple of weeks ago...

The fruit is forming now but really they are to small to capture with my camera.
But, speaking of fruit forming we have the beginning of figs...

And our loquats are coming along nicely...

And that's all for now folks!


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Cat girl I can't get over how much you guys grow in your yard .. so many fruiting trees ! Absolutely amazing ! .. I love the scent of freesia .. they are such wonderful flowers .. I wish we could grow them here ;-( So Spring has really started at your end of the world ? .. the robins came much too early .. things are out of kilter .. makes me cautious and nervous ( Mayan predictions ? LOL)
Wonderful SPRING post girl !
Joy : )

CanadianGardenJoy said...

P.S. I forgot to say OUCH about the ants .. if I see one in the house I get panicky .. we were invaded by huge ones one summer when we lived in the Netherlands .. it was like something out of a cheap horror movie !! I never got over it from then on !!

Naturegirl said...

Cat do you have an orchard!!
Such a variety of fruit bearing plants!
I am wondering if my tulips have burst open back home in my woods as I bask in the sunshine and blue skies here in Arizona!
Thank you for leaving comforting words on my post re: passing of Kea. Our pets do get entangled in our hearts. =^.^=..Anna

Cat said...

Joy, the seasons are funky, but we have rain scheduled for next week so that will help. I find ants irritating, but my husband freaks out and goes on a cleaning binge, it's strange to watch, but something about them freak him out.

Naturegirl, While we are not totally big enough for a full blown orchard (only 1/3 of an acre) we do like variety. When we bought the place we joined the local rare fruit growers club and have learned so much, I can't even begin to tell you. We do our own grafting and mix our own potting soil to get the balance we want. I love my garden.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Last Spring when we went out for ritual, there were freesias everywhere in the wild where we went. I thought they were delightful until someone pointed out to me that they were a weed/pest. I love loquats too.

Cat said...

Chaos! Freesias are weeds over there? Next time your weeding send some my way!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hey there Cat girl ... you might just have to get some of these cute feeders and some birdhouses .. the birds will help keep the bug population down NO doubt and less work for you girl !
Hope you are sliding into a wonderful weekend girl : )