Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Lon Milo DuQuette

Friday night was a wonderful night!
A group of old and new friends gathered at our house before heading over for dinner, 
and on to that Chance Theater in Anaheim to see our old friend Lon launch his latest release.
Now Lon normally releases books, 16 to be precise
but tonight it was an evening of music for his CD release I Am Baba Lon!

It was a grand evening filled with much fun!

And Lon and his beloved wife Constance were, as always, very happy.

As were we all...


Naturegirl said...

What fun! Wishing you belated birthday wishes!
hugs and purr-Zzz =^.^=

Cat said...

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, hope your feeling better.

wortsandcunning said...

How fun! I am a big fan of DuQuette's writings and I am slowly working through all his books, but it looks like he would be really entertaining to see live.

Cat said...

Wortsandcunning, if you haven't heard his music you should check it out!