Missed a call for work this morning!
Decided to read some more of Ronald Hutton's excellent Triumph of The Moon. This is our current book club title and I am really enjoying re-reading it over again.
While not an "easy read" this monograph covers the modern history of witchcraft and magic in great detail. I am just reading the first half of the book and realizing how much I missed in my first reading of this book. I am making notecards for the chapters, quotes, etc., so I will be able to use them for research.
Also I took Purps to the vet for some blood work. I had expected a full panel, but then the vet recommended the short form, so that is what I paid for. It was only later that I found out that they had found difficulty getting her to stop bleeding. Purps's last blood test had stated that she was bleeding too long which is why she has been stalled out on her dental work. If I had known that they were having a hard time with her bleeding I would have insisted on the full panel!
I guess I will see what they say tomorrow, I will not be happy if if they want me to pay for a full panel now.
An a happier note today was my first visit of the year to my chiropractor Dr. Getski. I always feel much more aligned after a visit to see him. He is not as informative as Daniel Karan, but he does a good job on my back.
While not an "easy read" this monograph covers the modern history of witchcraft and magic in great detail. I am just reading the first half of the book and realizing how much I missed in my first reading of this book. I am making notecards for the chapters, quotes, etc., so I will be able to use them for research.
Also I took Purps to the vet for some blood work. I had expected a full panel, but then the vet recommended the short form, so that is what I paid for. It was only later that I found out that they had found difficulty getting her to stop bleeding. Purps's last blood test had stated that she was bleeding too long which is why she has been stalled out on her dental work. If I had known that they were having a hard time with her bleeding I would have insisted on the full panel!
I guess I will see what they say tomorrow, I will not be happy if if they want me to pay for a full panel now.
An a happier note today was my first visit of the year to my chiropractor Dr. Getski. I always feel much more aligned after a visit to see him. He is not as informative as Daniel Karan, but he does a good job on my back.
That book interest me??Getting the spine in balance always is good for the overall well being. I was out of line and sought out Cranialsacrol therapy for my unbalance. We must be in balance!
Happy New Year to you keep up good health!
Hello Cat girl !
Wow ! you are one busy woman .. I got tired just reading all of the things you are doing plus the garden .. you are amazing girl !
Our weather has been too weird and is making me very nervous with how many plants are going to curl up their toes on me .. but it is what it is and I will have to handle it.
I intend to get back in to yoga myself .. but it will take a how amount of effort since I am so stiff and in pain .. but I know it will do me good .. body and mind .. yoga gives me some peace and focus which is really hard for me to obtain ! LOL
Chirping crickets would send me into heaven .. along with Spring peeper frogs .. I love their singing : )
Good luck with the garden this year !
Yea! Good to see you folks visiting again!
Naturegirl, it's a really good book. A little depressing at times, but a really cool book, very scholarly. Glad to see you are nearly in AZ, you will have to come by and visit us in CA some time.
CanadianGardenJoy, I was wondering when I was going to see your smiling face. The weather here has been freaky too, it's been in the 80's this week.
I love my yoga instructor, here philosophy is that it you can make it onto your mat and breath with intention your doing yoga, any of the poses are frosting. She is so much more encouraging that the 20 year old asana nazis that have no clue what age really feels like, never mind chronic pain.
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