Yes indeed work arrived this week, and some for next week too!
However, this means that between work and the garden I have been more than busy. Today is a damp day not rainy, just enough to make you want to sit inside and watch the birds at the feeder. I did make it through another 5 gallons of weeding and helped dig out the wild rose from the yard. It is a pretty rose and will do well over with our friends Pam and Tony who live up in the canyon and who get a full 4 seasons. Down here we only have the warm season and the cool season so with no frost we get bugs and other stuff that would die off in the canyons.
In other news, it has been a little over a week since I planted my peas and beans, and as you know they are fast growers, so after a few days they looked like this...
You can just see their little noses sticking up, but two days later we see this...
Definitely putting some effort in, and today we see...
The beans are making a good effort too...
Of course we have some cute flowery bits going on in the yard...
This is one of our chandeliers who I think are quite splendid.
Beyond that, I am getting excited about heading up to Pantheacon to see my old friends. I need to get going on my book club reading, once it is finished I will write a full post on Triumph of The Moon, right now what I can tell you is that I do think it is a good and well researched book. Finally, I am looking forward to a visit in the next week or so from my old pal Rodney, hopefully he will have a copy of his new book that I can purchase from him.
Cat girl hello there !
Look at those little green guys GO !! You are very well organized but I know what you mean about needing that "damp day break" we all need to do that .. I get a long winter break which I should be doing something positive about!!
Joy : )
PS .. I am glad you found a home for that rose girl !
Joy, yes me too, I was worried where she would end up but there is chill there and less bugs so it's a happy ending for my wild friend.
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