Thursday 15 May 2008

Bloggers Unite for Human Rights

Well folks, today is the day!
A lot of folks have been writing about a variety of issues.
For my part I thought I would blog about that good old chestnut Tibet.
Growing up in Brighton was possibly the best thing that could have happened to me. I was exposed to so much diversity in that glorious bohemian town that I can't even begin to enumerate examples here. However, one store that I will always remember is the Free Tibet Store, It was small and on the ground floor of one of the Georgian houses off of the main drag in town. We would always try to find something to buy to help them out, not that as a high school student I was exactly rolling in it, but I did what I could. I thought it was terrible that China had just taken over the people and suppressed their religious and cultural freedoms. I thought that many things were equally awful during that time, the National Front, the Bomb, Thatcher, animal rights violations and apartheid were all causes that I went to he streets over during my high school years and beyond, but strangely enough never over Tibet. 
When I moved to America in the 90's I was challenged to acculturate without loosing my sense of self. I opted out of political activism as I really wasn't too sure that I cared for any of the options. Time has passed, I've become a professional, I can do more with cold hard cash than I used to be able to and frankly the idea of being baton charged just doesn't quite sound like a good time anymore. Lately I've been reading about Jamyan Kyi, her travails and the travails of those like her. So I wonder, "what can I do for Tibet today?"And looking around I find the Tibet Fund to donate to. Life is good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when you give hard cash,you give hope,faith,and love....and the greatest of these is love
love B